Thank you for visiting Local 3088, the dedicated advocate and collective voice for Mount Dora's courageous firefighters. As a union deeply committed to our members' well-being and professional interests, we strive to play a vital role in ensuring that firefighters across our community receive the support, representation, and resources they need to succeed in their daily duties to protect lives and property.
Local 3088 consists of 25 union members currently working for Mount Dora Fire Department. As just a small branch of the IAFF which represents over 348,000 full time professional firefighters we strive to ensure that laws, policies and bargaining agreements support the needs of firefighters and their families.
Public safety and health is a collaborative effort between both citizens like yourself and professional firefighters everywhere. Your support helps us put out fire prevention programs, educational initiatives, and other collaborative efforts to better serve the community.
Mike Smith
Vice President
Casey Forney
Tara Holcomb